You can connect to BIL Analysis ecosystem resources with an ssh client from your local machine using your PSC credentials.
You must install SSH client software on your local machine, but free ssh clients for
Macs, Windows and Unix are available. Popular ssh clients (GUI) include PuTTY for Windows
and Cyberduck for Macs. A command line version of ssh is installed on Macs by default
and you can use the Terminal application if you prefer. You can also check with your university
to see if there is an ssh client that they recommend.
To use ssh to connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem:
Everyone who requests a BIL account has access to the login node using their BIL Username
and Password. The login node is not intended for heavy computation or visualization, but rather
to provide convenient shell access to BIL data and enable interactive and batch use of the BIL
Analysis Ecosystem. The BIL computational cluster provides a suitable resource for both
computation and visualization.
Interactive Apps
The OpenOnDemand (OOD) interface allows you to connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem through the web browser. You can submit and manage jobs, move or create files, or use the apps such as Jupyter Notebook.
To connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem via Open OnDemand
In your web broswer, go to
From the OOD dashboard, pictured below, you will see the top menu bar where you can manage file, jobs, or select the apps to use.
Manage files
From the OOD dashboard, you can create, edit, or move files. Select the Files option from the top menu bar, then the Home which will navigate to your home directory at /bil/users/. From here, you will have the following options:
Go To…: Navigate to a specified folder
Open in Terminal: Opens the active folder in a terminal session (new tab)
New File: Creates a new file in the active folder
New Dir: Creates a new folder in the active folder
Upload: Select files from your local machine to upload to the active folder
Show Dotfiles: Reveals hidden files
Show Owner/Mode: Shows ownership and permission information
View: Shows file contents inside the current tab
Edit: Opens a file editor in a new tab
Rename/Move: Gives a file a new path and/or name
Download: Downloads the file or folder to your local machine
Copy: Copies selected files to the clipboard
Paste: Pastes files from the clipboard
(Un)Select All: Select or unselect all files/folders
Delete: Deletes selected files/folders
Manage Jobs
From the OOD dashboard, you can create, submit, and edit jobs. Select the Jobs option from the top menu bar, then Job
composer which will take you to the job composer dashboard. From here, you will have the following options:
Create a new job script
Edit job scripts
Submit a job
When you first visit to this page, you'll go through a helpful tutorial. The buttons do the following:
New Job: Create a new job
From Default Template: Uses system defaults to create a job that you can then edit.
From Specified Path: Creates a job from a specific job script.
From Selected
Job: Creates a new job that is a copy of the selected job.
Edit Files: Opens the project folder in a new File Explorer tab and allows you to edit the files within it.
Job Options: Allows you to edit the Name, Cluster, Job Script, and Account of a job.
Terminal: Opens a terminal session in a new tab at the project folder.
Submit: Submits the selected job.
Stop: Stops the selected job if it was already submitted.
Delete: Delete the selected job.
Jupyter Notebook
From the OOD dashboard you can launch a Jupyter Notebook server on one or more nodes.
Select the Apps option from the top menu bar, then Jupyter
Notebook which will take you to the page to set up your Jupyer Notebook session.
From here, you will specify the timelimit, number of nodes to use. Use the Extra Slurm Args field to specify the number of cores or number of GPUs you want. Use the Extra Jupyter Args field to pass arguments to your Jupyter notebook.
Select Launch to begin your Jupyter Notebook session.
You will be taken to the dashboard for your interactive sessions. It may take some time for your resources to become available. When your session starts, select the blue "Connect to Jupyter"
A new window running Jupyter Hub will open where you can being your Jupyter Notebook session.
Lmod is a Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH Hierarchical problem. Environment Modules provide a convenient way to dynamically change the users' environment through modulefiles.
In a nutshell, we use LMOD to manage software that can be used in the VM as well as the large memory nodes. Software available as modules should be accessible on both resources.
This document only lists a few commands. For complete documentation click here.
If you want us to install a piece of software in our resources, then please remember to submit software installation requests to
Available software modules
To list all available software modules use the command
To list useful info about a module use the command
module help <package-name>
For example,
module help matlab
----------- Module Specific Help for 'matlab/2021a' ---------------
Matlab 2021a
To enable, first load the following required modules (via module load command):
module load matlab/2021a
For a full list of binaries included in this module, type
module what-is matlab/2021a
Loading modules
To load a module use the command
module load <package-name>
For example,
module load matlab/2021a
Running the command above will make the matlab binary available in the current session
which matlab
In this example, you can simply type matlab to start the Matlab engine
matlab -nodesktop
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2021a Update 5 ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
August 9, 2021
To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit
Loading a specific version of a module
There are times when there are multiple versions of the same same software.
Because there exists one partition, the you can run sinfo or sinfo
-p compute to gather basic information about this partition.
For example
→ sinfo -p compute
compute* up infinite 8 idle l[001-008]
sbatch - Submit a batch script to Slurm.
sbatch [OPTIONS(0)...] [ : [OPTIONS(N)...]] script(0) [args(0)...]
The interact command is an in-house script for starting interactive sessions
interact -h
Usage: interact [OPTIONS]
-d Turn on debugging information
--noconfig Do not process config files
-gpu Allocate 1 gpu in the GPU-shared partition
--gres=<list> Specifies a comma delimited list of generic consumable
resources. e.g.: --gres=gpu:1
--mem=<MB> Real memory required per node in MegaBytes
-N Nodes Number of nodes
-n NTasks Number of tasks (spread over all Nodes)
--ntasks-per-node=<ntasks> Number of tasks, 1 per core per node.
-p Partition Partition/queue you would like to run on
-R Reservation Reservation you would like to run on
-t Time Set a limit on the total run time. Format include
mins, mins:secs, hours:mins:secs. e.g. 1:30:00
-h Print this help message
At the moment, there only exists one partition named compute, so running
interact -p compute
To specify the amount of memory use the option --mem=<MB>. For example interact
This is a shared partition, if you wish to get all the resources in a compute node, use the option --nodes. For example interact
1. Since this is a shared resource, please be considerate using this resource.
scancel - Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm.
scancel [OPTIONS...] [job_id[_array_id][.step_id]] [job_id[_array_id][.step_id]...]
There is no need to
To cancel a specific job use the command scancel <job_id>. For example scancel
To cancel all your running jobs use the command scancel -u
<username>. For example scancel -u icaoberg.
Docker is not supported and it is not expected to be supported in the near future.
If you want to run a program/tool and not a service, then uDocker might be an option for you.
If you use the default values in the Conda install, it will install in your home directory on /bil/
Using Jupyter Notebooks
Loading the proper module
Click the black terminal icon in the top left corner of your screen
When the terminal opens, type the following commands to load Fiji into your workspace.
module load anaconda3
jupyter lab
Running the commands above will open a browser
The Anaconda3 installation available in BIL infrastructure has access to commonly used packages used in data analytics but it also has a list of unique packages commonly used in neuroscience like
To see a full list of packages of packages, run the command in terminal
pip list
Nothing prevents you from downloading and installing your own Anaconda/Miniconda distro in your home directory. However, user supported is limited if you choose to do so.
This document explains how to run a Jupyter notebook on BIL using a Jupyter client on the workshop VM.
Follow the steps below to run a Jupyter notebook on using a Jupyter client on your local machine.
Login to the workshop VM using x2go.
Load an anaconda module to put the latest version of anaconda and Jupyter in your path.
module load anaconda3
Get a BIL compute node allocated for your use. Get a BIL compute node allocated for you by using the interact command. For example,
interact -n 10 --mem=64Gb
A command prompt will appear when your session begins
"Ctrl+d" or "exit" will end your session
Find the hostname of the node you are running on You will need the hostname when you are mapping a port on your local machine to the port on BIL compute node. Find the hostname of the node you are on from the prompt, or type the hostname command.
Start a Jupyter notebook and find the port number and token Start a Jupyter notebook. From the output of that command, find the port that you are running on and your token. Pay attention to the port number you are given. You will need it to make the connection between the compute node and the workshop VM.
The port number Jupyter uses on the compute node can be different each time a notebook is started. Jupyter will attempt first to use port 8888, but if it is taken - by a different Jupyter user for example - it increases the port number by one and tries again, and repeats this until it finds a free port. The one it settles on is the one it will report.
jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip=
[W 2022-03-22 16:45:13.993 LabApp] 'ip' has moved from NotebookApp to ServerApp. This config will be passed to ServerApp. Be sure to update your config before our next release.
[W 2022-03-22 16:45:13.994 LabApp] 'ip' has moved from NotebookApp to ServerApp. This config will be passed to ServerApp. Be sure to update your config before our next release.
[W 2022-03-22 16:45:13.994 LabApp] 'ip' has moved from NotebookApp to ServerApp. This config will be passed to ServerApp. Be sure to update your config before our next release.
[I 2022-03-22 16:45:14.013 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from /bil/packages/anaconda3/4.11.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jupyterlab
[I 2022-03-22 16:45:14.013 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is /bil/packages/anaconda3/4.11.0/share/jupyter/lab
[I 16:45:14.024 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /bil/users/icaoberg
[I 16:45:14.024 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.4.5 is running at:
[I 16:45:14.025 NotebookApp]
[I 16:45:14.025 NotebookApp] or
[I 16:45:14.025 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 16:45:14.039 NotebookApp]
To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
Map a port on your local machine to the port Jupyter is using on the BIL compute node. Open another terminal to map the port 8888 in the workshop VM machine to the port you are using (8888 in this example) on the compute node. This is a bit of the chicken-and-the-egg situation: if you knew what node and what port you would end up on, you could have done the mapping on the first connection. But there is no way to know that a-priori.
You must use the correct compute node name and port that you have been allocated. In this case, because you were connected to port 8888 on compute node r001, that command would look like
Here the localhost port is 8888. After the first : comes the long name of the compute node, a colon, and the port where Jupyter is running. Here, that string is
Open a browser window to connect to the Jupyter server. On the workshop VM machine, open a browser and point it to http://localhost:8888.
You will be prompted to enter a token to make the connection. Use the token given to when you started the Jupyter server on the BIL compute node (step 6 above).
When you are done, close your interactive session on BIL.
Using Matlab
If you wish to use Matlab, then please request permission to use it first by filling this form.
After getting access you can use it with
module load matlab/2021a
matlab -nosplash
ITK-SNAP is a software application used to segment structures in 3D medical images.
import itk
import numpy as np
# Read input image
file = '/bil/data/hackathon/2022_GYBS/data/subject/201606_red_mm_RSA.nii.gz'
itk_image = itk.imread(file)
# View only of itk.Image, pixel data is not copied
np_view = itk.array_view_from_image(itk_image)
Spyder is a free and open source scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts.
-View Stack with Hyperstack -Group files with similar names -Do Not Use virtual stack -Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats File Stitching" popup select
-Axis 1 number of images enter 5 -Axis 1 axis first image enter 1 -Axis 1 axis increment enter 54 -Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats Series Options" popup select
-Series 1 (8557x11377) -Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats Custom Colorization" popup select
-Series 0 channel 0 Red 255 -Click [OK]
Merge 2 channels into one
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
-For C1 (red) select the first item -For C2 (green) select the second item -Click [OK]
Adjust Brightness/Contrast
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
On the "B&C" popup window
-Set brightness to max -Set contrast to max -Click on [Set] button
On "Set Display Range" Popup window
-Set min=0 -Set max=1500 -Check propagate to all other open windows -Click [OK]
View Composite Z stack and zoom
On the "Composite" window:
-Move the "Z" slider slowly to the right/left to view the Z stack. -Move the mouse cursor (+) to the top-left of an area that is interesting. -While clicking the left mouse button drag the selection box to the right and down. -Move the mouse cursor to the center of the box. -Click on the plus key to zoom in, - to zoom out -To get back to the original resolution, move the mouse cursor to outside the selection box. Click on the right mouse button. Select "Original Scale"
To Save the combined-channel images
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
On the "Save Image Sequence" popup set values
-Format: TIFF -Click [OK]
On the "Save Image Sequence" popup set values
-Set DIR - to someplace where you can save (e.g. /bil/home/$USER or your Desktop) -Set the name -Click [OK]
To make an animated thumbnail
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
[Image]->[Type]->[RGB Color]
On the "Convert to RGB" window select
-Slices(5) -Keep Source -Click [OK]
The Image now needs to be downsized.
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
-Delete the "Width (pixels)" value and replace with the value 480. -The Height should automatically be set at 638. -Set the Title to be "Composite-small" -Click [OK]
The next step is to save the reduced size animated thumbnail.
On the "Save as GIF" popup, select a directory and filename then click save
If you want to check out the saved gif file, then double click on the file in your desktop to open it with the default viewer.
Close Fiji.
Exercise 2. Contrast-stretching with ImageMagick
This exercise is trying to tie up together all the concepts discussed in this workshop.
Imagine we are interested in collection 84c11fe5e4550ca0 that I found in the portal
There is no need to download the data locally because the data is available when you our resources.
I can navigate to /bil/data/84/c1/84c11fe5e4550ca0/ to see the contents of the collection.
Unbfortuntaly it is difficult to visually inspect the images because these are not contrast stretched.
The images are not contrast stretched and cannot be visually inspected.
Fortunately there are tools like Fiji that can contrast stretch the images. However I want to do this in batch mode as a job since this process can be automated.
ImageMagick is a robust library for image manipulation. The convert tool in this library has an option to contrast-stretching.
Next I will create a file called and will place it in a folder in my Desktop.
#this line is needed to be able to use modules on the compute nodes
source /etc/profile.d/
#this command loads the ImageMagick library
module load ImageMagick/7.1.0-2
#this for loop finds all the images in the sample folder and contrast-stretch
for FILE in /bil/data/84/c1/84c11fe5e4550ca0/SW170711-04A/*tif
convert $FILE -contrast-stretch 15% $(basename $FILE)
For simplicity, you can find the script above in
to copy the script to your Desktop run the command in terminal
you can tell the binary bioformats2raw is available in the container.
To use it, run
module load java
singularity exec -B /bil bioformats2raw.sif bioformats2raw --help
Missing required parameters: '<inputPath>', '<outputLocation>'
Usage: <main class> [-p] [--no-hcs] [--[no-]nested] [--no-ome-meta-export]
[--no-root-group] [--overwrite]
[--use-existing-resolutions] [--version] [--debug
[=<logLevel>]] [--extra-readers[=<extraReaders>[,
<extraReaders>...]]]... [--options[=<readerOptions>[,
<readerOptions>...]]]... [-s[=<seriesList>[,
tStringArgsCsv>] [-c=<compressionType>]
[--fill-value=<fillValue>] [-h=<tileHeight>]
[--pyramid-name=<pyramidName>] [-r=<pyramidResolutions>]
[-w=<tileWidth>] [-z=<chunkDepth>]
<inputPath> <outputLocation>
<inputPath> file to convert
<outputLocation> path to the output pyramid directory. The given
path can also be a URI (containing ://) which
will activate **experimental** support for
Filesystems. For example, if the output path
given is 's3://my-bucket/some-path' *and* you
have an S3FileSystem implementation in your
classpath, then all files will be written to S3.
Additional format string argument CSV file
(without header row). Arguments will be added
to the end of the scale format string mapping
the at the corresponding CSV row index. It is
expected that the CSV file contain exactly the
same number of rows as the input file has series
-c, --compression=<compressionType>
Compression type for Zarr (null, zlib, blosc;
default: blosc)
Properties for the chosen compression (see https:
html#compressors )
--debug, --log-level[=<logLevel>]
Change logging level; valid values are OFF, ERROR,
Override the input file dimension order in the
output file [Can break compatibility with
Tile downsampling algorithm (SIMPLE, GAUSSIAN,
Separate set of readers to include; (default:
[class com.glencoesoftware.bioformats2raw.
PyramidTiffReader, class com.glencoesoftware.
Default value to fill in for missing tiles (0-255)
(currently .mrxs only)
-h, --tile_height=<tileHeight>
Maximum tile height to read (default: 1024)
Maximum number of tiles that will be cached across
all workers (default: 64)
Maximum number of workers (default: 4)
Directory used to store .bfmemo cache files
--no-hcs Turn off HCS writing
--[no-]nested Whether to use '/' as the chunk path seprator
(true by default)
--no-ome-meta-export Turn off OME metadata exporting [Will break
compatibility with raw2ometiff]
--no-root-group Turn off creation of root group and corresponding
metadata [Will break compatibility with
Reader-specific options, in format key=value[,
|-separated list of key-value pairs to be used as
an additional argument to Filesystem
implementations if used. For example,
might be useful for connecting to minio.
--overwrite Overwrite the output directory if it exists
Pixel type to write if input data is float or
double (int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16,
uint32, float, double, complex, double-complex,
Name of pyramid (default: null) [Can break
compatibility with raw2ometiff]
-r, --resolutions=<pyramidResolutions>
Number of pyramid resolutions to generate
-s, --series[=<seriesList>[,<seriesList>...]]
Comma-separated list of series indexes to convert
Format string for scale paths; the first two
arguments will always be series and resolution
followed by any additional arguments brought in
from `--additional-scale-format-string-args`
[Can break compatibility with raw2ometiff]
(default: %d/%d)
Use existing sub resolutions from original input
format[Will break compatibility with raw2ometiff]
-w, --tile_width=<tileWidth>
Maximum tile width to read (default: 1024)
-z, --chunk_depth=<chunkDepth>
Maximum chunk depth to read (default: 1)
-p, --progress Print progress bars during conversion
--version Print version information and exit
The flag -B
/bil is important, please use it everytime you run a container in the Brain Image Library Systems.
To run the application in the container simply run
Use the drop down list to choose the images you want to explore with Napari
If you are curious about the status of your session in Napari, then you can monitor the logs in the terminal you opened the application in
This plugin is under early development. Currently, only a subset of single color, fMOST datasets which include projections are available to view.
Gentle intro to cwltool
Before we begin
Watch the video above for a gentle intro.
There are many benefits to using workflows, mainly their portability. If built flexible, a workflow should be able to be deployed locally, e.g. a laptop, on an HPC cluster, e.g. Brain Image Library or Bridges 2 and in the cloud, e.g. AWS.
The second benefit is workflows are very efficient at connecting tools or programs and scripts written in different languages.
Third and last, workflows can use containers that can be push to repositories like DockerHub, making them truly portable and flexible.
Using workflows is just one way of running pipelines on the Brain Image Library hardware, users can use traditional approaches like bash or Python scripts to run their workflows.
CWL documents are written either in YAML or JSON. For example, we can create the file message.cwl
message: Hello world!
and use it as input for the workflow
cwltool cowsay.cwl message.cwl
INFO /bil/packages/anaconda3/4.11.0/bin/cwltool 3.1.20220210171524
INFO Resolved 'cowsay.cwl' to 'file:///bil/users/icaoberg/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04/cowsay.cwl'
INFO [job cowsay.cwl] /tmp/l7knmpt3$ cowsay \
'Hello world!'
| Hello world! |
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
INFO [job cowsay.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success
cowsay on Docker
This step cannot run on Brain Image Library hardware since we do not support Docker.
Consider the following Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cowsay --no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/games
CMD ["cowsay"]
The file above creates a container with the cowsay binary. I can be built it using the command
docker build -t icaoberg/cowsay .
and pushed to DockerHub using the command
docker push icaoberg/cowsay
This is a dummy example but technically now there exists a container with my tool. Now, I can recycle the CWL workflow from before and it to get the container from the repo by adding the lines
and running it will produce the same results as the previous example
cwltool cowsay2.cwl message.cwl
INFO /Users/icaoberg/opt/anaconda3/bin/cwltool 3.1.20220210171524
INFO Resolved 'cowsay2.cwl' to 'file:///Users/icaoberg/Documents/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04/cowsay2.cwl'
INFO [job cowsay2.cwl] /private/tmp/docker_tmpr_rjhbrj$ docker \
run \
-i \
--mount=type=bind,source=/private/tmp/docker_tmpr_rjhbrj,target=/xJHVRn \
--mount=type=bind,source=/private/tmp/docker_tmpzpu0ulbd,target=/tmp \
--workdir=/xJHVRn \
--read-only=true \
--user=501:20 \
--rm \
--cidfile=/private/tmp/docker_tmp07wk4ale/20220309145946-550721.cid \
--env=TMPDIR=/tmp \
--env=HOME=/xJHVRn \
icaoberg/cowsay \
cowsay \
'Hello world!'
< Hello world! >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
INFO [job cowsay2.cwl] Max memory used: 0MiB
INFO [job cowsay2.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success
Even though we do not support Docker, you can try installing uDocker.
cowsay on Singularity
The main issue is that most HPC clusters do not support Docker and prefer Singularity or Apptainers. However, if the Docker image in DockerHub has proper entrypoints, then you could simply use the --singularity option to ask CWL tools to convert the Docker image to Singularity.
If the Docker image does not a proper entry point this step might fail if you are not aware of how the image was built.
Only use vetted images or public images whose Dockerfile you have seen and trust.
Using the option
cwltool --singularity cowsay2.cwl message.cwl
will run the workflow
cwltool --singularity cowsay2.cwl message.cwl
INFO /bil/packages/anaconda3/4.11.0/bin/cwltool 3.1.20220210171524
INFO Resolved 'cowsay2.cwl' to 'file:///bil/users/icaoberg/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04/cowsay2.cwl'
INFO ['singularity', 'pull', '--force', '--name', 'icaoberg_cowsay.sif', 'docker://icaoberg/cowsay']
INFO: Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
INFO: Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 7c3b88808835 done
Copying blob 6b7a6ea66907 done
Copying config 063d227371 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2022/03/09 15:17:27 info unpack layer: sha256:7c3b88808835aa80f1ef7f03083c5ae781d0f44e644537cd72de4ce6c5e62e00
2022/03/09 15:17:28 info unpack layer: sha256:6b7a6ea669076a74f122534da10e4e459f36777854e8e1529564d31c685fd9ea
INFO: Creating SIF file...
INFO [job cowsay2.cwl] /tmp/ceztlkix$ singularity \
--quiet \
exec \
--contain \
--ipc \
--cleanenv \
--pid \
--home \
/tmp/ceztlkix:/qxOGcV \
--bind \
/tmp/o9hfm5tx:/tmp \
--pwd \
/qxOGcV \
/bil/users/icaoberg/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04/icaoberg_cowsay.sif \
cowsay \
'Hello world!'
< Hello world! >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
INFO [job cowsay2.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success
but will create a Singularity image file on disk.
Adding more options
cowsay has more options than just the input string.
cowsay(6) Games Manual cowsay(6)
cowsay/cowthink - configurable speaking/thinking cow (and a bit more)
cowsay [-e eye_string] [-f cowfile] [-h] [-l] [-n] [-T tongue_string] [-W column] [-bdg‐
A cowfile is used to change the picture. For example, running the command
cwltool --singularity fortune.cwl
INFO /bil/users/icaoberg/.local/bin/cwltool 3.1.20220224085855
INFO Resolved 'fortune.cwl' to 'file:///bil/users/icaoberg/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04/fortune.cwl'
INFO Using local copy of Singularity image found in /bil/users/icaoberg/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04
INFO [job fortune.cwl] /tmp/lppo005u$ singularity \
--quiet \
exec \
--contain \
--ipc \
--cleanenv \
--pid \
--home \
/tmp/lppo005u:/jzrcyZ \
--bind \
/tmp/l0squr2a:/tmp \
--pwd \
/jzrcyZ \
/bil/users/icaoberg/code/singularity-cowsay/3.04/grycap_cowsay.sif \
Q: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: You won't find a lawyer who can change a light bulb. Now, if
you're looking for a lawyer to screw a light bulb...
INFO [job fortune.cwl] completed success
INFO Final process status is success
How to connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem
Connect via Terminal
You can connect to BIL Analysis ecosystem resources with an ssh client from your local machine using your PSC credentials.
You must install SSH client software on your local machine, but free ssh clients for Macs, Windows and Unix are available. Popular ssh clients (GUI) include PuTTY for Windows and Cyberduck for Macs. A command line version of ssh is installed on Macs by default and you can use the Terminal application if you prefer. You can also check with your university to see if there is an ssh client that they recommend.
To use ssh to connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem:
Everyone who requests a BIL account has access to the login node using their BIL Username and Password. The login node is not intended for heavy computation or visualization, but rather to provide convenient shell access to BIL data and enable interactive and batch use of the BIL Analysis Ecosystem. The BIL computational cluster provides a suitable resource for both computation and visualization.
Interactive Apps
The OpenOnDemand (OOD) interface allows you to connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem through the web browser. You can submit and manage jobs, move or create files, or use the apps such as Jupyter Notebook.
To connect to the BIL Analysis Ecosystem via Open OnDemand
In your web broswer, go to
Enter your PSC username and password

From the OOD dashboard, pictured below, you will see the top menu bar where you can manage file, jobs, or select the apps to use.
Manage files
From the OOD dashboard, you can create, edit, or move files. Select the
option from the top menu bar, then theHome
which will navigate to your home directory at/bil/users/
. From here, you will have the following options:Go To…
: Navigate to a specified folderOpen in Terminal
: Opens the active folder in a terminal session (new tab)New File
: Creates a new file in the active folderNew Dir
: Creates a new folder in the active folderUpload
: Select files from your local machine to upload to the active folderShow Dotfiles
: Reveals hidden filesShow Owner/Mode
: Shows ownership and permission informationView
: Shows file contents inside the current tabEdit
: Opens a file editor in a new tabRename/Move
: Gives a file a new path and/or nameDownload
: Downloads the file or folder to your local machineCopy
: Copies selected files to the clipboardPaste
: Pastes files from the clipboard(Un)Select All
: Select or unselect all files/foldersDelete
: Deletes selected files/foldersManage Jobs
From the OOD dashboard, you can create, submit, and edit jobs. Select the
option from the top menu bar, thenJob composer
which will take you to the job composer dashboard. From here, you will have the following options:When you first visit to this page, you'll go through a helpful tutorial. The buttons do the following:
New Job
: Create a new jobFrom Default Template
: Uses system defaults to create a job that you can then edit.From Specified Path
: Creates a job from a specific job script.From Selected Job
: Creates a new job that is a copy of the selected job.Edit Files
: Opens the project folder in a new File Explorer tab and allows you to edit the files within it.Job Options
: Allows you to edit the Name, Cluster, Job Script, and Account of a job.Open Terminal
: Opens a terminal session in a new tab at the project folder.Submit
: Submits the selected job.Stop
: Stops the selected job if it was already submitted.Delete
: Delete the selected job.Jupyter Notebook
From the OOD dashboard you can launch a Jupyter Notebook server on one or more nodes.
option from the top menu bar, thenJupyter Notebook
which will take you to the page to set up your Jupyer Notebook session.Launch
to begin your Jupyter Notebook session.Software Modules
Lmod is a Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH Hierarchical problem. Environment Modules provide a convenient way to dynamically change the users' environment through modulefiles.
In a nutshell, we use LMOD to manage software that can be used in the VM as well as the large memory nodes. Software available as modules should be accessible on both resources.
This document only lists a few commands. For complete documentation click here.
.Available software modules
To list all available software modules use the command
For example
The command above will list all available software.
.Software versions
To list information about specific modules use the command
For example, you can view the two versions of MatLab available
Listing useful information
To list useful info about a module use the command
For example,
Loading modules
To load a module use the command
For example,
Running the command above will make the matlab binary available in the current session
In this example, you can simply type
to start the Matlab engineLoading a specific version of a module
There are times when there are multiple versions of the same same software.
For example,
If you wish to load a specific version of a package use the command
For example,
Listing loaded modules
To list the loaded modules use the command
For example,
Unload module
To load a module use the command
for example
Using modules on scripts
When building scripts that are using more than one tool available as modules, simply type the module command for each tool
Job management
Slurm is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters.
This document only lists a few commands. For complete documentation click here.
For example
For example
As a regular user you can view information about the nodes and jobs but won't be able to modify them.
Check available memory
The view information about the nodes, including information about memory, use the command
To view information about a specific node, use the node name to print this information. For example
Because there exists one partition, the you can run
orsinfo -p compute
to gather basic information about this partition.For example
The interact command is an in-house script for starting interactive sessions
, so runningor
. For exampleinteract --mem=1Tb
. For exampleinteract -N 1
. Since this is a shared resource, please be considerate using this resource.scancel
There is no need to
scancel <job_id>
. For examplescancel 00001
scancel -u <username>
. For examplescancel -u icaoberg
Docker is not supported and it is not expected to be supported in the near future.
If you want to run a program/tool and not a service, then uDocker might be an option for you.
To install uDocker
For example,
Building containers
If you have elevated privileges to run Singularity
Make sure to run singularity builds as
, that's all that matters.often to clean cache.
If you don't have elevated privileges
This applies to all regular users including researchers. If you do not have elevated privileges, you can still build the images remotely.
Follow these steps to do so
Access Tokens
on the top-right menuNew Access Token
Copy token to Clipboard
VM and run the commandEnter
.Just make sure to use the
flag when running singularity build.Check the
scripts in each repo for working examples.To see a list of vetted containers built by PSC, click here.
You can find a Singularity definition file here. To build this image remotely run
after getting a token from
Installing Miniconda
There is nothing preventing you from installing a Conda distribution in your home directory, though this is not advised.
However if you need to, you might want to start with a Miniconda distribution
and follow the instructions on screen.
Using Jupyter Notebooks
Loading the proper module
Click the black terminal icon in the top left corner of your screen
When the terminal opens, type the following commands to load Fiji into your workspace.
Running the commands above will open a browser
The Anaconda3 installation available in BIL infrastructure has access to commonly used packages used in data analytics but it also has a list of unique packages commonly used in neuroscience like
To see a full list of packages of packages, run the command in terminal
For more info, click here.
Using Jupyter Notebooks on the large memory nodes
This document explains how to run a Jupyter notebook on BIL using a Jupyter client on the workshop VM.
Follow the steps below to run a Jupyter notebook on using a Jupyter client on your local machine.
command. For example,You will need the hostname when you are mapping a port on your local machine to the port on BIL compute node. Find the hostname of the node you are on from the prompt, or type the hostname command.
Start a Jupyter notebook. From the output of that command, find the port that you are running on and your token. Pay attention to the port number you are given. You will need it to make the connection between the compute node and the workshop VM.
The port number Jupyter uses on the compute node can be different each time a notebook is started. Jupyter will attempt first to use port 8888, but if it is taken - by a different Jupyter user for example - it increases the port number by one and tries again, and repeats this until it finds a free port. The one it settles on is the one it will report.
In the new terminal type
You must use the correct compute node name and port that you have been allocated. In this case, because you were connected to port 8888 on compute node r001, that command would look like
Here the localhost port is
. After the first:
comes the long name of the compute node, a colon, and the port where Jupyter is running. Here, that string
.You will be prompted to enter a token to make the connection. Use the token given to when you started the Jupyter server on the BIL compute node (step 6 above).
Using Matlab
If you wish to use Matlab, then please request permission to use it first by filling this form.
After getting access you can use it with
ITK-SNAP is a software application used to segment structures in 3D medical images.
Installing and using SimpleITK
For example, to load an image as a numpy array
If you are using iPython you can confirm this
Installing ITK
For a quick guide to ITK please visit here.
For example, to read an image
If you are using iPython you can confirm this
Installing nibabel
Read/write access to some common neuroimaging file formats.
Installing cwltool
Spyder is a free and open source scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts.
Exercise 0. Submit a job using OpenOnDemand
Exercise 0.
Hello, World!
on Jupyter LabExercise 1. Load and combine images in Fiji
Loading the proper module
Click the black terminal icon in the top left corner of your screen

When the terminal opens, type the following commands to load Fiji into your workspace.
The first time running these commands, the system will install Fiji in your home directory.
After running the commands above, a toolbar should appear in your screen, similar to the picture below
Update Fiji (optional)
and then update the plugins
Loading the first channel
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select menu
Click on FILE SYSTEM in the PLACES sidebar and navigate to
then click on
On the "Bio-Formats Input Options" popup select
-View Stack with Hyperstack
-Group files with similar names
-Color mode: Custom
-Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats File Stitching" popup select
-Axis 1 number of images enter 5
-Axis 1 axis first image enter 1
-Axis 1 axis increment enter 54
-Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats Series Options" popup select
-Series 1 (8557x11377)
-Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats Custom Colorization" popup select
-Series 0 channel 0 Red 255
-Click [OK]
Loading the second channel
We will follow a similar procedure as the first channel
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
Click on FILE SYSTEM in the PLACES sidebar and navigate to
then click on
On the "Bio-Formats Input Options" popup select
-View Stack with Hyperstack
-Group files with similar names
-Do Not Use virtual stack
-Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats File Stitching" popup select
-Axis 1 number of images enter 5
-Axis 1 axis first image enter 1
-Axis 1 axis increment enter 54
-Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats Series Options" popup select
-Series 1 (8557x11377)
-Click [OK]
On the "Bio-Formats Custom Colorization" popup select
-Series 0 channel 0 Red 255
-Click [OK]
Merge 2 channels into one
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
-For C1 (red) select the first item
-For C2 (green) select the second item
-Click [OK]
Adjust Brightness/Contrast
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
On the "B&C" popup window
-Set brightness to max
-Set contrast to max
-Click on [Set] button
On "Set Display Range" Popup window
-Set min=0
-Set max=1500
-Check propagate to all other open windows
-Click [OK]
View Composite Z stack and zoom
On the "Composite" window:
-Move the "Z" slider slowly to the right/left to view the Z stack.
-Move the mouse cursor (+) to the top-left of an area that is interesting.
-While clicking the left mouse button drag the selection box to the right and down.
-Move the mouse cursor to the center of the box.
-Click on the plus key to zoom in, - to zoom out
-To get back to the original resolution, move the mouse cursor to outside the selection box. Click on the right mouse button. Select "Original Scale"
To Save the combined-channel images
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
On the "Save Image Sequence" popup set values
-Format: TIFF
-Click [OK]
On the "Save Image Sequence" popup set values
-Set DIR - to someplace where you can save (e.g. /bil/home/$USER or your Desktop)
-Set the name
-Click [OK]
To make an animated thumbnail
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select

On the "Convert to RGB" window select
-Keep Source
-Click [OK]
The Image now needs to be downsized.
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
-Delete the "Width (pixels)" value and replace with the value 480.
-The Height should automatically be set at 638.
-Set the Title to be "Composite-small"
-Click [OK]
The next step is to save the reduced size animated thumbnail.
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select

On the "Animation Options" popup set
-Speed to 2
-Click [OK]
On the "(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ" window select
On the "Save as GIF" popup, select a directory and filename then click save
If you want to check out the saved gif file, then double click on the file in your desktop to open it with the default viewer.
Close Fiji.
Exercise 2. Contrast-stretching with ImageMagick
This exercise is trying to tie up together all the concepts discussed in this workshop.
Imagine we are interested in collection
that I found in the portalI can navigate to
to see the contents of the collection.Unbfortuntaly it is difficult to visually inspect the images because these are not contrast stretched.
The images are not contrast stretched and cannot be visually inspected.
Fortunately there are tools like Fiji that can contrast stretch the images. However I want to do this in batch mode as a job since this process can be automated.
ImageMagick is a robust library for image manipulation. The
tool in this library has an option to contrast-stretching.The format is
Next I will create a file called
and will place it in a folder in my copy the script to your Desktop run the command in terminal
Next I can submit my script using the command
Since I am doing serially I don't need much memory but if I were to do this in parallel I might.
To monitor your job progress use the command
squeue -u <username>
. For example,This leads to
Exercise 3. vaa3D
Finding available tools
To list all available tools, run the command
To see all the installed versions of a specific package, e.g. java, run the command
Running the module load command without specifying a version will load the default version of the software. For example, running
will load Java JDK8u241.
Loading the proper module
Click the black terminal icon in the top left corner of your screen
When the terminal opens, type the following commands to load Fiji into your workspace.
Running the command above will start the tool
For explorations, you can find some examples in
Exercise 4. Building a Singularity container
In this example we will build a Singularity container using ther remote builder on
Choose a location in your home directory, and run the following commands
This will create a local Singularity image file named
.Since you have access to the definition file
you can tell the binary
is available in the container.To use it, run
-B /bil
is important, please use it everytime you run a container in the Brain Image Library Systems.To run the application in the container simply run
also try
The command above will convert the image
to a Zarr file format in the folderraw/
.Exercise 5. Trying the Napari BIL Data Viewer
This plugin enables viewing of datasets archived in the Brain Image Library.
Though there are several ways to deploy Napari in your laptop/desktop, at the moment, we recommend you install locally using Anaconda.
Installing Napari
Installing Napari is easier using conda-forge.
To install Napari, run the command
If the command above fails or Napari fails to start, you can also try
Follow the official documentation to install Anaconda or Miniconda on your local system.
Installing the napari-bil-data-viewer
To install the plugin, we need to start napari first. To start Napari, run the command
This will open the Napari window
I am running Napari in MacOSX, but if you are running Windows or Linux you should see a similar menu.
Install/Uninstall Plugins...
should open the window belowSearch for
and clickInstall
If installed properly, the plugin will be listed as
Close the window and go back to the main window.
Using the plugin
On the top menu select
This should a panel to the right
Use the drop down list to choose the images you want to explore with Napari
If you are curious about the status of your session in Napari, then you can monitor the logs in the terminal you opened the application in
Gentle intro to cwltool
Before we begin
Watch the video above for a gentle intro.
There are many benefits to using workflows, mainly their portability. If built flexible, a workflow should be able to be deployed locally, e.g. a laptop, on an HPC cluster, e.g. Brain Image Library or Bridges 2 and in the cloud, e.g. AWS.
The second benefit is workflows are very efficient at connecting tools or programs and scripts written in different languages.
Third and last, workflows can use containers that can be push to repositories like DockerHub, making them truly portable and flexible.
Using workflows is just one way of running pipelines on the Brain Image Library hardware, users can use traditional approaches like bash or Python scripts to run their workflows.
Installing cwltool
is a tool that pretty prints a cow.Traditionally we would install the tool locally either using a repository or pip.
For example,
will install the binary in our system.
Since the only input to
is a string, a basic CWL workflow document looks like thisCWL documents are written either in YAML or JSON. For example, we can create the file
and use it as input for the workflow
on DockerThis step cannot run on Brain Image Library hardware since we do not support Docker.
Consider the following
The file above creates a container with the
binary. I can be built it using the commandand pushed to DockerHub using the command
This is a dummy example but technically now there exists a container with my tool. Now, I can recycle the CWL workflow from before and it to get the container from the repo by adding the lines
The document now looks like
and running it will produce the same results as the previous example
Even though we do not support Docker, you can try installing
on SingularityThe main issue is that most HPC clusters do not support Docker and prefer Singularity or Apptainers. However, if the Docker image in DockerHub has proper entrypoints, then you could simply use the
option to ask CWL tools to convert the Docker image to Singularity.If the Docker image does not a proper entry point this step might fail if you are not aware of how the image was built.
Only use vetted images or public images whose Dockerfile you have seen and trust.
Using the option
will run the workflow
but will create a Singularity image file on disk.
Adding more options
has more options than just the input string.A
is used to change the picture. For example, running the commandwill print a flaming sheep.
In this example, we will expose the
[-f cowfile]
argument by adding the linesto the input block, making the workflow look like
Then you can run it
Keep in mind your input argument
now looks like thisYou can choose to expose as many input arguments as you want or set default values.
Mixing and matching
Consider the following workflow,
which does something like