The Brain Image Library (BIL) provides both a metadata API and web portal that uses the API to search and return metadata and links to datasets in BIL. The metadata API is extremely flexible and capable of full-text searching or individual metadata fields.
The metadata API has two primary user-facing endpoints:
To make full programatic use of the Metadata API, we recommend that interested users first familiarize yourself with BIL's metadata model
All successful queries will return a json file, that will all have the following json keys:
{ "success": "true", "endpoint": "Contributors/affiliation", "message": "GET success", "affiliation": "Broad", "bildids": [ "ace-big-pup", "ace-big-pry", "ace-big-pot", "ace-big-pox", "ace-big-pun" ] }
{ "success": "true", "endpoint": "Image/gbytes", "message": "GET success", "gbytes": "17.0", "bildids": [ "act-zip", "ace-bay-low", "ace-aim-gum", "ace-ask-row", "ace-boo-dip" ] }When one retreives an entry, the json payload returned will look like:
{ "success": "true", "endpoint": "Retrieve/doi", "message": "GET success", "doi": "", "retjson": [ { "Metadata": "2.0", "Submission": { "sheet": "57", "collection": "1394", "submission_uuid": "96ba8210cceceeb7", "method": "ingest_1", "doi": "" }, "Contributors": [ { "contributorname": "Allen Institute", "creator": "Yes", "contributortype": "ResearchGroup", "nametype": "Organizational", "nameidentifier": "", "nameidentifierscheme": "", "affiliation": "Allen Institute for Brain Science", "affiliationidentifier": "", "affiliationidentifierscheme": "ROR" }, { "contributorname": "Bosiljka Tasic", "creator": "No", "contributortype": "ProjectLeader", "nametype": "Personal", "nameidentifier": "", "nameidentifierscheme": "ORCID", "affiliation": "Allen Institute for Brain Science", "affiliationidentifier": "", "affiliationidentifierscheme": "ROR" } ], "Funders": [ { "fundername": "National Institutes of Health", "funding_reference_identifier": "", "funding_reference_identifier_type": "ROR", "award_number": "1-RF-1MH121274-01", "award_title": "Cell class- or type-specific viruses for brain-wide labeling and neural circuit examination" } ], "Publication": [], "Instrument": [ { "microscopetype": "Two Photon", "microscopemanufacturerandmodel": "TissueVision TissueCyte 1000", "objectivename": "Zeiss 20X Plan-Apochromat", "objectiveimmersion": "Water", "objectivena": "1.0", "objectivemagnification": "20X", "detectortype": "PMT", "detectormodel": "Hamamatsu R3896", "illuminationtypes": "", "illuminationwavelength": "925nm", "detectionwavelength": "447-593nm", "sampletemperature": "20.0" } ], "Specimen": [ { "localid": "588181", "species": "Mouse", "ncbitaxonomy": "NCBI:txid10090", "age": "58.0", "ageunit": "Days", "sex": "Female", "genotype": "wt/wt", "organlocalid": "1119684572.0", "organname": "Brain", "samplelocalid": "0539072223", "atlas": "", "locations": "" } ], "Dataset": [ { "bildirectory": "/bil/data/96/ba/96ba8210cceceeb7/0539072223", "title": "588181", "socialmedia": "", "subject": "", "subjectscheme": "", "rights": "Allen Institute Terms of Use, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "rightsuri": " ,", "rightsidentifier": "CC-BY-4.0", "dataset_image": "", "generalmodality": "population imaging", "technique": "enhancer virus labeling", "other": "", "abstract": "This is a series of serial two-photon images of whole mouse brain to characterize cell populations for the purpose of evaluating the specificity of newly created enhancer elements", "methods": "", "technicalinfo": "", "doi": "", "dataset_size": "None" } ], "Assets": [ { "bildid": "rut", "bildoi": "", "manifestfile": "" } ], "Image": [ { "xaxis": "left-to-right", "obliquexdim1": "", "obliquexdim2": "", "obliquexdim3": "", "yaxis": "superior-to-inferior", "obliqueydim1": "", "obliqueydim2": "", "obliqueydim3": "", "zaxis": "posterior-to-anterior", "obliquezdim1": "", "obliquezdim2": "", "obliquezdim3": "", "landmarkname": "", "landmarkx": "", "landmarky": "", "landmarkz": "", "number": "1,2,3,red,green,blue", "displaycolor": "(1.0,0.0,0.0),(0.0,1.0,0.0),(0.0,0.0,1.0)", "representation": "neurite", "flurophore": "CH1(background fluorescence) CH2(GFP) CH3(background fluorescence)", "stepsizex": "0.35", "stepsizey": "0.35", "stepsizez": "100.0", "stepsizet": "", "channels": "3.0", "slices": "140.0", "z": "1.0", "xsize": "40000.0", "ysize": "30000.0", "zsize": "1.0", "gbytes": "", "files": "", "dimensionorder": "" } ] } ] }Note that if one retreives MULTIPLE entries via a PUT request, there will be multiple objects returned in the retjson array
{ "success": "false", "endpoint": "Contributors", "message": "POST method not allowed" }Handling Partial Sucesss/ Partial Failure: This currently will only happen if one uses the /retreive endpoint with a post request. In such cases keys:
{ "success": "true", "endpoint": "Retrieve", "message": "POST partially successful, some entries retreived", "status": { "act-zip": true, "ace-bay-low": true, "ace-aim-gum": false, "ace-ask-row": false, "ace-boo-dip": true }, "retjson": [ ... ] }
curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET '' curl -k -X GET ''