Access to Restricted Data

Access to all restricted data is controlled by the data contributor/project leader. This section provides an overview of the process to grant and gain access to different types of restricted datasets.

  1. Pre-Release Entries: Pre-release datasets are datasets that have not completed the submission process into the Brain Image Library.
    1. Enabling Access: How the data contributor/project leader can set up private pre-release access.
      1. To set up data sharing without Bridges computational access.
      2. To set up data sharing with Bridges computational access.
    2. Requesting Access: How access requests are made and how to access the data.
  2. Embargoed Entries: Embargoed entries are entries that have been submitted, but are not yet publically availiable.
  3. Restricted Entries: Restricted entries are entries that due to their sensitive nature, require successfully completion of special access procedures.

Access Steps

If you need assistance with anything, please email: If the issue is time-critical, you may phone the PSC hotline at: 412-268-6350. Please note that we are located in the Eastern Time zone.

  1. Pre-release Entries
    1. Enabling Access: How the project leader can set up pre-release access.
    2. Data contributors/project leaders can request private project space on BIL to store pre-release data for pre-release processing and pre-release data sharing. To enable sharing, two special groups will be set up on the system: a read/write/delete group and a readonly group.

      1. To set up data sharing without Bridges computational access
        1. The data contributor/project leader must have an XSEDE Portal account (create one here if you don't already have one)
        2. The data contributor/project leader should send an email request to: This request should include the following information:
          • The project leader's XSEDE portal accounts
          • The amount of project space needed
          • The XSEDE portal accounts for those that need read/write/delete access to the project space. (If you do not have these at this time, they can be added at a later time by sending email with the portal accounts to be added.)
          • The XSEDE portal accounts for those that need read-only permission. (If you do not have these at this time, they can be added at a later time by sending email with the portal accounts to be added.)
        3. Your shared project space will be created down the following path: /bil/proj/<projectname> where <projectname> is the projectname for the project.
        4. The shared project space is accessable to authorized users with authenticated access via sftp, scp, and rsync:
          • Using sftp to An example logging into the project space as is shown below. The put command is used to upload data (data1.tiff) and the get command is used to download data (data2.tiff):

  $ sftp
            The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
            ECDSA key fingerprint is 32:cf:46:44:3d:9c:8e:b2:1d:14:03:66:45:0b:11:29.
            Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
            Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
  's password:
            Connected to
            sftp> cd /bil/proj/testproj
            sftp> put data1.tiff
            Uploading data1.tiff to /bil/proj/testproj/data1.tiff
            data1.tiff                                      0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
            data1.tiff                                    100% 1324KB   1.3MB/s   00:00
            sftp> get data2.tiff
            Fetching /bil/proj/testproj/data2.tiff to data2.tiff
            /bil/proj/testproj/data2.tiff                   0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
            /bil/proj/testproj/data2.tiff                 100%  764KB 763.8KB/s   00:00
            sftp> exit

          • Using scp to An example uploading data (data1.tiff) and downloading data (data2.tiff) from the project space as is shown below:

  $ scp data1.tiff
  's password:
            data1.tiff                                                                      0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
            data1.tiff                                                                    100% 1324KB   1.3MB/s   00:00
  $ scp data2.tiff
  's password:
            data2.tiff                                                                      0%    0     0.0KB/s   --:-- ETA
            data2.tiff                                                                    100%  764KB 763.8KB/s   00:00

          • Using rsync to An example uploading data (data1.tiff) and downloading data (data2.tiff) from the project space as is shown below:

  $ rsync -lrtpDvP data1.tiff
            sending incremental file list
                    1160   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
                 1356122 100%   86.15MB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
            sent 4752 bytes  received 7051 bytes  7868.67 bytes/sec
            total size is 1356122  speedup is 114.90
  $ rsync -lrtpDvP data2.tiff
            sending incremental file list
                     880   0%    0.00kB/s    0:00:00
                  782160 100%   82.79MB/s    0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
            sent 3628 bytes  received 5365 bytes  17986.00 bytes/sec
            total size is 782160  speedup is 86.97

      2. To set up data sharing with Bridges computational access
        1. The data contributor/project leader must have an XSEDE Portal account (create one here if you don't already have one)
        2. The data contributor/project leader needs to apply for access to Bridges by following these instructions.
        3. The data contributor/project leader should send an email request to: This request should include the following information:
          • The project leader's XSEDE portal accounts
          • The amount of project space needed
          • The XSEDE portal accounts for those that need read/write/delete access to the project space. (If you do not have these at this time, they can be added at a later time by sending email with the portal accounts to be added.)
          • The XSEDE portal accounts for those that need read-only permission. (If you do not have these at this time, they can be added at a later time by sending email with the portal accounts to be added.)
        4. Your shared project space will be created down the following path: /bil/proj/<projectname> where <projectname> is the projectname of the project.
      3. Requesting Access:
        1. Invitations to access Pre-release data is generally sent by the data contributor/project leader directly to those who will have access. Please note that data contributors/project leaders are not obliged to share pre-release data.
          • If you have received such an invitation, you need to have an XSEDE portal account to enable access. Create one here if you don't already have one.
          • Send the XSEDE portal id to the data contributor/project leader who can grant you access by sending email to (see above).
          • If access is granted, you can find the project's shared data down the following path: /bil/proj/<projectname> where <projectname> is the projectname of the project.
  2. Embargoed Entries
  3. Embargoed entries are entries that have been submitted, but are not yet publically availiable.

    At the current time access to embargoed entries is not enabled.

  4. Restricted Data
  5. Restricted entries are entries that due to their sensitive nature, require successfully completion of detailed access procedures before access may be granted.

    At the current time access to restricted entries is not enabled.